From rice stem cells: 成長因子を大量培養へ! culture en masse de facteurs de croissance ! Massenkultur von Wachstumsfaktoren! mass culture of growth factors! 來自水稻幹細胞:大量培養生長因子!

日本グルメ:神戸牛は世界最高の食材(動画):  Japan gourmet: Kobe beef is the best ingredient in the world: 日本美食:神户牛肉是世界上最好的食材:

meat, Brand, Food

中韓の犬食:犬肉消費の実情:Humane Society International(動画):  Dog meat in China・Korea: Dog meat consumption: Humane Society Int’l:  中国和韩国的狗粮:狗肉消费的实际情况:国际人道协会

consumer, meat, Regulation, Food

前川製作所:豚もも肉用「脱骨ロボット」:人間と同じ速度(動画):  Mayekawa: “Bone-removing robot” for pork thigh: Same speed as humans:  Mayekawa:猪大腿用“去骨机器人”:与人类相同的速度

meat, Toxic Emissions & Waste, Health & Safety, Product Safety & Quality, ROBOT

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