大陽日酸:GaNの結晶製造装置開発:高品質なバルク結晶大量生産(動画):  Taiyo Nippon Sanso:GaN crystal production equipment:high-quality bulk crystals:  Taiyo Nippon Sanso:GaN晶体生产设备开发:批量生产高质量块状晶体

Semi conductor, Diode

San Francisco:国際空港、セラピー豚が登場:5-year-old’LiLou’(動画):  San Francisco is the first airport to have a therapy pig:  旧金山是第一个拥有治疗猪的机场

assistance, animals, 6 Society, Statistics

NTT Com:5G、ティーショットのリアル映像配信:ボール落下地点予測(動画):  NTT Com: 5G, tee shot real video distribution: predicting the ball drop point:  NTT Com:5G,发球实景视频分配:预测落球点

Sports, 5G, Communication, Entertainment

GPFG:ノルウェー政府年金、英G4S plc株売却:G4S社、人権侵害で提訴(動画):  Norway Sovereign Wealth Fund to Expel G4S from its Mega Portfolio:  挪威主权财富基金将从其超级投资组合中驱逐G4S

Holdings, Regulation, Investment

韓国:感染豚を大量屠殺:イムジン川、赤く染まる(動画):  Mass pig slaughter stains South Korean river red:  大规模猪屠宰污渍韩国河红

animals, contamination, 6 Society

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