AML・OFAC]:スイス’SITA’に罰金支払命令:テロ制裁規則に違反:  Agreement between the U.S. OFAC and Société Internationale de Télécomm Aéronautiques SCRL:  美国财政部外国资产控制办公室与法国国际通信股份公司SCRL之间的和解协议

Agreement between the U.S. OFAC and Société Internationale de Télécomm Aéronautiques SCRL: 



SociétéInternationale deTélécommunicationsAéronautiquesSCRL「SITA」に罰金支払いを命じました。


SociétéInternationale deTélécommunicationsAéronautiquesSCRL(「SITA」)

has agreed to pay $7,829,640 to settle its potential civil liability for 9,256 apparent violations of the Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. part 594 (GTSR) (the “Apparent Violations”).

Specifically, SITA appears to have violated §§ 594.201 and 594.204 of the GTSR between April 2013 and February 2018 when it provided commercial services and software that were subject to U.S. jurisdiction, and benefitted certain SITA member airlines after OFAC designated those airlines as specially designated global terrorists pursuant to Executive Order 13224.

The total transaction value of the Apparent Violations was $2,428,200.

OFAC determined that SITA did not voluntarily self-disclose the Apparent Violations, and that the Apparent Violations constitute a non-egregious case.

Last Updated: 2/26/2020 12:33 PM

Télécommunications Aéronautiques SCRL is paying $7.8 million to settle allegations

it did business with airlines that the U.S. had placed on a terrorist blacklist.