
名古屋 –  数十年にわたる日本の鉄道プロジェクトは、険しい山脈のトンネル工事が順調に進み、トンネルが障害物になることはほとんどありません。JR東海、東京までの磁気浮上列車の駅建設の土地買収で、推定5.5兆円(504億ドル)の建設費を追加する可能性があります。
Japan maglev builder needs to dig deep in more ways than one. 
NAGOYA — With 10 years to go until it is supposed to open for service, a Japanese railway project decades in the making is readying to cut its way deep under a daunting mountain range, but the tunnel is hardly the only obstacle in the way of this high-profile effort. Acquiring land to build stations along the magnetic-levitation train line from here to Tokyo will also test Central Japan Railway’s ability to complete it on time, potentially adding to the estimated 5.5 trillion yen ($50.4 billion) construction costs.Nikkei Asian Review


NAGOYA – 经过10年的时间才能开放服务,日本铁路项目几十年来一直在准备好在艰巨的山脉之下深入其中,但隧道绝非是唯一的障碍这个高调的努力。从这里到东京,沿线磁悬浮火车线路征收土地,也将测试中日铁路及时完成的​​能力,可能增加估计5.5万亿日元(约合504亿美元)的建设成本。
