日本郵船:LPG対応「二元燃料エンジン大型船」建造へ(動画):  NYK: To build LPG-compatible “dual fuel engine large ship”:  NYK:建造兼容LPG的“双燃料发动机大船”

VLCC, shipping

ヤマハ:聞こえるのは波の音だけ:HARMO(動画):  Yamaha: All you can hear is the sound of the waves: HARMO:  雅马哈:你所能听到的只有海浪声:HARMO

EV, shipping

東京大学:ドローンが海底探査AUVと通信(動画):  Tokyo Univ: Drone communicates with submarine exploration AUV: 东京大学:无人机与潜艇探索AUV通信:

UAV, Submarine, Drone, Communication

豪GEV:’圧縮水素船’を開発へ:C-H2 Ship(動画):  Australia GEV: To develop’compressed hydrogen ship’: C-H2 Ship:  澳大利亚 GEV:开发“压缩氢船”:C-H2 船

container, Hydrogen, Energy, shipping

日本郵船:アンモニア燃料船を就航へ:2026年度(動画):  NYK: Ammonia fuel ship goes into service: In 2026:  NYK:氨燃料船投入使用:2026 年

coal, Carbon Emissions, Impact Climate Change Vulnerability, Toxic Emissions & Waste, Energy, shipping, Statistics

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