Category: Residence
日本に住む中国人: 住まいや教育の状況は如何に? Chinese people living in Japan: What about housing and education? 旅日中國人:住房和教育怎麼樣?
Wealthy Chinese: 日本の不動産を爆買い! Achats explosifs de biens immobiliers japonais ! Explosive Käufe japanischer Immobilien! Explosive purchases of Jpn’s real estate! 爆買日本房產!
Home sales in China:上半期半減の悲劇! 중국의 주택 판매:반기는 반감의 비극! Die Tragödie der Halbierung der ersten Hälfte! The tragedy of halving the first half! 中國房屋銷售:“上半年減半”的悲劇!