中国:清国時代と変わらず:ランド研究所(動画):  China: Same as in the Qing dynasty: RAND Corporation:  中国:与清朝相同:兰德公司

copyright, Research, University, Patent, Defense

韓国:「死蔵特許」が大問題:税金の無駄使い(動画):  South Korea: “Unused patents” is a big problem: Waste of taxes:  韩国:“未使用的专利”是个大问题:浪费税收

claim, Research, Patent, Regulation

トヨタ:世界で特許出願首位:自動運転&MaaS(動画):  Toyota: No. 1 patent application in the world: Autonomous driving & MaaS: 丰田:全球专利申请量第一:自动驾驶和MaaS

license, census, Patent

アップル・テスラ:中国で製品開発せず: Assembled in China(動画):  Apple Tesla: No product development in China: Assembly in China:  Apple Tesla:中国没有产品开发:在美国设计,在中国组装

Labor Management, Health & Safety, Privacy & Data Security, Business Ethics, Patent, EV, Regulation

韓国:KAIST大教授、自動運転特許を流出:中国「千人計画」(動画):  Korea: KAIST Univ professor leaks LIDAR : China 1000 Talents Program: 韩国:KAIST大学教授泄漏自动驾驶专利:中国“千人计划”

manner, education, 6 Society, Patent, Regulation

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