米ホワイトハウス:新疆5企業に禁輸措置:Hoshine Silicon(動画):  US White House: Embargo on 5 Xinjiang Companies: Hoshine Silicon:  美国白宫:对 5 家新疆公司实施禁运:和盛硅业

minorities, secret, 6 Society, Regulation, Investigation

韓国:IOCの返信に「深い遺憾」:日本の地図(動画):  South Korea: “Deep regret” in IOC reply: Map of Japan:  韩国:国际奥委会回复“深感遗憾”:日本地图

Game, Sports, Regulation

中国:また揺れた深センSEGプラザ:衝撃の真実(動画):  China: Another swaying Shenzhen SEG Plaza: The Truth About Shock:  中国:另一个摇摆不定的深圳赛格广场:震撼的真相

Tower, Accident, Condo, offices

東京:上野のパンダ「シンシン」:2頭出産(動画):  Tokyo: Ueno’s panda “Xin Xin”: Two births:  东京:上野的熊猫“心心”:两胎

park, animals, Entertainment

COVID-19:中国高官が米国亡命の噂:董経緯副部長(動画):  COVID-19: Chinese officials rumored to be in exile in the US:Dong Jingwei COVID-19:传闻中国官员流亡美国:历史副主任

secret, flu, contamination, disease, Investigation

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