米司法省:シンガポール船没収:北朝鮮に石油密輸(動画):  U.S DOJ: Singapore Ship Confiscation: Oil Smuggling to North Korea:  美国司法部:新加坡船舶没收:向朝鲜走私石油

TRADE, Guilty, Regulation, Investigation

中国:米の圧力で輸入不可能:ASML半導体製造装置(動画):  China: Impossible to import due to US pressure: ASML semicon equipment: 中国:受美国压力无法进口:ASML半导体制造设备

Procurement, TRADE, Semi conductor, Regulation

米商務省:34外国事業体を輸出管理対象に追加:中国、ロシア、イラン(動画):  US DOC: 34 foreign entities added to export control: China,Russia,Iran:  美国商务部:34个外国实体加入出口管制:中国、俄罗斯、伊朗

Procurement, Government, TRADE, Regulation

韓国:反日不買運動が2年経過:対日赤字1兆1100億円越え(動画):  S.Korea: 2 years of anti-Japan boycott: Deficit with Japan 1,110 bil yen: 韩国:抵制日货两年:对日逆差超11100亿日元

Procurement, Government, TRADE, Inbalance

FCC:米国がファーウェイなどの認証禁止:中国製通信機器(動画):  FCC: US bans certification of Huawei, etc .: Equipment made in China:  FCC:美国禁止华为等认证:通讯设备中国制造

Procurement, TRADE, Security, Communication

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