テスラ:半導体不良で16万台リコール:eMMC・NANDフラッシュメモリー(動画):  Tesla: Recall 160,000 due to defective semicon: eMMC/NAND flash memory: 特斯拉:由于半导体故障:eMMC / NAND闪存召回160,000单位

Product Safety & Quality, Business Ethics, AUTO, Recall, Safety

ソフトバンクG:10兆円ファンド絶好調:含み益2兆0842億円(動画):  SoftbankG: 10 trillion yen Fund is in good shape: Gain of 2,084 bil yen:  软银G:10万亿日元资金状况良好:未实现收益20842亿日元

Business Ethics, Fund, Investment

COVID-19:イベルメクチン、ランダム化二重盲検治験:イスラエルSheba(動画):  Randomized Double-Blinded Trial at Sheba Medical Center:Ivermectin:  舍巴医学中心的随机双盲临床试验:伊维菌素可从本质上降低COVID-19

flu, Product Safety & Quality, Insuring Health & Demographic Risk, Opportunities in Nutrition & Health, Business Ethics, Pharmaceutical

韓国:GMコリア、ルノーサムスンの決算:2020年業績悪化(動画):  No Future Car Production Allocated to GM Korea and Renault Samsung:  没有未来的汽车生产分配给通用韩国和雷诺三星

Labor Management, Accounting, Business Ethics, AUTO, Sales

アップル・テスラ:中国で製品開発せず: Assembled in China(動画):  Apple Tesla: No product development in China: Assembly in China:  Apple Tesla:中国没有产品开发:在美国设计,在中国组装

Labor Management, Health & Safety, Privacy & Data Security, Business Ethics, Patent, EV, Regulation

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