韓国:出生率が過去最低更新:人口も初の自然減(動画):  S.Korea:Birth rate hit record low:Population declines for the first time: 韩国:出生率创历史新低:人口首次下降

census, Labor Management, Health & Safety, Human Capital Development

トヨタ:1~4カ月分の半導体在庫を常時保有:東日本大震災の教訓(動画):  Toyota: Always holds semiconductor inventory for 1 to 4 months:  丰田:半导体库存总维持1到4个月:东日本大地震的教训

reliability, Impact Climate Change Vulnerability, Labor Management, Controversial Sourcing

韓国:GMコリア、ルノーサムスンの決算:2020年業績悪化(動画):  No Future Car Production Allocated to GM Korea and Renault Samsung:  没有未来的汽车生产分配给通用韩国和雷诺三星

Labor Management, Accounting, Business Ethics, AUTO, Sales

アップル・テスラ:中国で製品開発せず: Assembled in China(動画):  Apple Tesla: No product development in China: Assembly in China:  Apple Tesla:中国没有产品开发:在美国设计,在中国组装

Labor Management, Health & Safety, Privacy & Data Security, Business Ethics, Patent, EV, Regulation

COVID-19:ロボットでPCR検査数を大幅増:川崎重工が開発(動画):  COVID-19: Significantly increase the PCR tests with robots: by KHI:  COVID-19:大大增加了机器人进行PCR测试的次数:由川崎重工开发

flu, 0.Pollution & Waste, 1.Human Capital, Labor Management, Health & Safety, Product Safety & Quality, monitor, medical service

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