日立:水素ハイブリッド車両を開発:developed with JR East(動画):  Hitachi: Developed hydrogen hybrid vehicle: with JR East:  日立:开发氢混合动力汽车:与JR East合作开发

日立:水素ハイブリッド車両を開発:developed with JR East(動画): 
Hitachi: Developed hydrogen hybrid vehicle: with JR East: 
日立:开发氢混合动力汽车:与JR East合作开发


JR 東日本、日立、トヨタ:

水素を燃料とする燃料電池と蓄電池を電源とする ハイブリッドシステムを搭載した試験車両を連携して開発することに合意しました。


  1. 車両形式 FV-E991系
  2. 両数 2両×1編成



水素タンクに充填された水素は燃料電池装置へ供給され、空気中の酸素との化学反応に より発電します。


主回路用蓄電池は燃料電池装置からの電力とブレーキ時の回生電力を充 電します。


燃料電池装置と主回路用蓄電池の両方からの電力を 主電動機に供給し、車輪を動かす制御を行います。


  1. トヨタが、燃料電池装置を開発
  2. 日立が、ハイブリッド駆動システムを開発


JR East, Hitachi and Toyota to Develop Hybrid (Fuel Cell) Railway Vehicles Powered by Hydrogen | Corporate | Global Newsroom | Toyota Motor Corporation Official Global Website


JR East, Hitachi and Toyota to Develop Hybrid (Fuel Cell) Railway Vehicles Powered by Hydrogen

Test vehicles to be developed by combining railway and automotive technologies

Toyota City, Japan,

October 6, 2020

East Japan Railway Company , Hitachi, Ltd. and Toyota Motor Corporation

have entered into an agreement to collaborate on development of test railway vehicles equipped with hybrid systems that use hydrogen powered fuel cells and storage batteries as their source of electricity.

By collaborating to develop these test railway vehicles,

we aim to further improve the environmental superiority of railways and realize a sustainable society.

1. Contributing to a Carbon-Free Society with Next-Generation Railway Vehicles

As efforts are made throughout the world to create sustainable societies, the same is also true for the railway sector, a means of mass transport, where there is high anticipation for next-generation rolling stock that operates using clean energy, such as hydrogen.

Hydrogen ensures minimal environmental impact as it does not emit any carbon dioxide when used as an energy source and it can be produced from various raw materials using renewable energy.

The development of innovative rolling stock powered by hydrogen

will therefore contribute to the development of a low-carbon society as it helps to curb global warming and diversify energy sources.

2. Collaboration to Develop Hybrid (Fuel Cell) Test Vehicles
Combining their railway and automotive technologies,

namely JR East’s railway vehicle design and manufacturing technologies.

Hitachi’s railway hybrid drive system technologies developed with JR East,

and Toyota’s technologies acquired through development of the Mirai fuel cell electric vehicle and the SORA fuel cell bus,

the three companies will adapt the fuel cells used in automobiles for railway applications.
