COVID-19:1滴の血液から30分で測定:抗体の種類と量(動画):  COVID-19:Measured 1 drop of blood in 30 min:Type・amount of antibody: COVID-19:在 30 分钟内从 1 滴血中测量:抗体的类型和数量

COVID-19:Measured 1 drop of blood in 30 min:Type・amount of antibody:
COVID-19:在 30 分钟内从 1 滴血中测量:抗体的类型和数量



  • 新型コロナウイルスに対する、
  • 抗体の種類と量を、
  • 1滴の血液から、30分で測定できる。


医療技術ニュース – MONOist

新型コロナウイルス抗体を「その場」で測定 | 理化学研究所

SARS-CoV-2 proteins microarray by photoimmobilization for serodiagnosis of the antibodies

An automated microarray diagnostic system for SARS-CoV-2 protein-specific antibodies

was developed using photoimmobilized viral proteins.

Photoimmobilization strategy
was used to immobilize proteins by crosslinking reactions of photoreactive polymers.

Aqueous solutions of proteins
were spotted on a polymer-coated plate and dried in the air.

Then, the proteins
were immobilized via irradiation with an ultraviolet lamp.

Virus-specific IgG and IgM in the serum
were automatically assayed using the microarray plate.

After the serum was added on the microarray plate,

peroxidase-conjugated anti-human-IgG or -IgM antibody was added,

and the chemical luminescence intensity was detected using a sensitive charge-coupled device camera.

The developed microarray assay

showed higher sensitivity than the conventional immune chromatography. Additionally, compared with conventional microarray using nitrocellulose slide,

the developed microarray format

was useful for rapid assay formats in serodiagnosis of viral infectious diseases and assessment of immune status for clinical applications.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan