農林中金 :CLO投資残高が7兆円:新規投資抑制の方針(動画):  Norinchukin:CLO investment balance is 7 trillion yen:New investment restraint policy:  Norinchukin:CLO投资余额为7万亿日元:新的投资限制政策

Fund, Securities, Investment

Notre Dame大:過去20年間安定、年利10%の収益:大学寄附金43%株式組入れ(動画):  Three Decades of Consistent Leadership Prove Well for Notre Dame Endowment:  巴黎圣母大学捐赠基金三个十年的一致领导

Fund, Investment

Berkshire Hathaway:ポートに新規銘柄追加:RH社・家具照明家電販売:  Berkshire Hathaway’s Surprising New Addition to its Portfolio:  伯克希尔·哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)的产品组合令人惊讶的新增加

Holdings, Investment

GPFG:ノルウェー政府年金、英G4S plc株売却:G4S社、人権侵害で提訴(動画):  Norway Sovereign Wealth Fund to Expel G4S from its Mega Portfolio:  挪威主权财富基金将从其超级投资组合中驱逐G4S

Holdings, Regulation, Investment

香港金融当局:UBSに5100万ドル罰金:取引手数料、過剰請求(動画):  UBS faces a $51 million fine for overcharging through excess trade fees:  瑞银因超额交易费向香港账户收取过多费用而面临5100万美元罚款

consumer, claim, Guilty, Regulation, Investment

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