COVID-19:中国製検査キット、6万個の不良品:a Chinese company called Bioeasy(動画):  COVID-19: Test kit made in China, 60,000 defective products: a Chinese company called Bioeasy:  COVID-19:中国制造的测试套件,有6万种不良产品:一家名为Bioeasy的中国公司

health, flu, Medical science, monitor, Pharmaceutical

COVID-19:ZOLL、人工呼吸器を増産:25倍、1万台/月(動画):  COVID-19: ZOLL increases production of respirators: 25x, 10,000 units / month:  COVID-19:ZOLL增加了呼吸器的产量:25倍,每月10,000台

hospital, health, flu, apparatus, Medical science, monitor

COVID-19:札幌医大、感染・死者数ウェブ公開:人口100万人当たり:  COVID-19:Sapporo Medical Univ Publishes Infections/Deaths on the Web: Per 1 Million Population:  COVID-19:札幌医科大学在网上发布感染和死亡人数:每100万人口

flu, catastrophe, disease

京都大:認知症向け点鼻ワクチンの開発: iPS細胞研究所(動画):  Kyoto University: Development of nasal vaccine for dementia: iPS Cell Research Institute:  京都大学:痴呆鼻疫苗的开发:iPS细胞研究所: 

Alzheimer, IPS, Medical science

COVID-19:’アビガン’、7日で7割の軽症者回復:中国・武漢大の研究成果:  COVID-19: ‘Avigan’ recovers 70% of minors in 7 days: Wuhan University, China:  COVID-19:“ Avigan”在7天内康复了70%的未成年人:中国武汉大学

flu, catastrophe, Drugs, Pharmaceutical

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