大成建設:複合汚染地下水を浄化:世界初、分解菌N23株活用(動画):  Taisei:Purification of complex contaminated groundwater:use of degrading bacteria N23:  大成建设:净化受污染的地下水:世界上首次使用降解细菌N23

pollution, Water, Environment

住友電工:中国大型下水処理場:3案件を受注(動画):  Sumitomo Electric: Received an order for a large-scale sewage treatment plant in China:  住友电工:获得中国大型污水处理厂的订单

plant, Water, Engineering, Environment

原油汚染:ブラジル政府、情報ポータル開設:Mancha no Litoral(海岸の汚れ)(動画):  Crude oil pollution: Brazilian information portal opened:Mancha no Litoral:  原油污染:巴西政府,信息门户开放:Mancha no Litoral

pollution, Water, Statistics, Environment

オランダ:若手発明家、河川プラごみ除去装置発表:Boyan Slat、The Ocean Cleanup(動画):  Dutch inventor unveils device to purge rivers of plastic:  荷兰发明家推出了一种清除塑料河流的装置

pollution, Water, Environment

チグリス川:新ダム建設、何千年遺産埋没ー5万人に避難強制(動画):  New dam on River Tigris threatens thousands of years of heritage in Turkey:  底格里斯河上的新大坝威胁着土耳其数千年的遗产