三菱重工:米インフィニウムに出資:an Electrofuels Solution(動画):  MHI: Invested in Infinium, USA: an Electrofuels Solution Provider:  三菱重工:投资美国Infinium:电燃料解决方案提供商

coal, pollution, renewable energy, Energy, Environment

環境対策:世界ランキングTop10:花王と不二製油(動画):  Environmental measures: World ranking Top 10: Kao and Fuji Oil:  环保措施:世界排名前十:花王和不二制油

pollution, Carbon, Green, Environment

日揮:韓国で廃プラ・ガス化リサイクルへ:事業化調査を実施(動画):  JGC:Waste plastic gasification recycling in S.Korea: commercial survey: Nikki:在韩国浪费塑料和气化回收:进行商业化调查

pollution, Carbon, Green, Infrastracture, Environment

アマゾン:年20万トンのプラごみ排出:Oceana report(動画):  Amazon: Over 200,000 tons of plastic waste annually: Oceana report:  亚马逊:Oceana报告称,每年排放的塑料废料超过20万吨

pollution, Environment

IHI:火力発電からCO2半減:アンモニア活用技術(動画):  IHI: CO2 halved from thermal power generation: Ammonia technology:  IHI:火力发电减少了一半的二氧化碳:氨利用技术

pollution, Carbon, Energy, Environment, Statistics

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