中国:37TFLOPSの高性能GPU:7nmプロセスで製造(動画):  China: 37TFLOPS high-performance GPU: manufactured by 7nm process:  中国:37TFLOPS高性能GPU:采用7纳米工艺制造

LSI, edge computing, Semi conductor, Data center

日本:半導体装置産業の底力:アドバンテスト、東京エレクトロン(動画):  Japan:Semiconductor equipment industry: Advantest, Tokyo Electron:  日本:半导体设备行业的力量:Advantest,东京电子

LSI, Product Safety & Quality, CMOS, memory, Semi conductor

インテル:半導体・MEMS市場の行方:TSMCとの格差(動画):  Intel: Whereabouts of semiconductor/MEMS market: Disparity with TSMC:  英特尔:半导体/ MEMS市场行踪:与台积电的差距

MEMS, Supply Chain Labor Standards, Product Safety & Quality, Semi conductor, Diode

鍋屋バイテック:SiC製’特殊ねじ’:パワー半導体、航空宇宙用(動画): Nabeya Bi-Tech: SiC’Special Screw’: for Power Semiconductor,Aerospace:  Nabeya Bi-Tech:SiC’Special Screw’:功率半导体,用于航空航天

Product Safety & Quality, Semi conductor, precision

味の素:極薄フィルム絶縁材、100%のシェア:CPU製造に必須(動画):  Ajinomoto: Ultra-thin film insulation, 100% share: Essential for CPU :  味之素:超薄膜绝缘,100%份额:CPU制造必不可少的

FILM, Semi conductor, Diode

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