韓国:半導体分野・脱日本に失敗:中国のTencent(動画):  South Korea: Semiconductor field, failure to de-Japan: Tencent in China: 韩国:半导体领域,去日本失败:腾讯在中国

Semi conductor, Diode, Material

韓国:依然、半導体原料を日本に依存:No Japan?(動画):  S.Korea: Still dependent on Japan for semicon raw materials: No Japan?: 韩国:半导体原材料仍依赖日本:没有日本?

EUV, FILM, Semi conductor, Diode

中国:米の圧力で輸入不可能:ASML半導体製造装置(動画):  China: Impossible to import due to US pressure: ASML semicon equipment: 中国:受美国压力无法进口:ASML半导体制造设备

Procurement, TRADE, Semi conductor, Regulation

日本:急浮上する「GaNパワー半導体」:SiC、GaN、Ga2O3(動画):  Japan: Rapidly emerging “GaN power semiconductors”: SiC, GaN, Ga2O3:  日本:迅速崛起的“GaN功率半导体”:SiC、GaN、Ga2O3

Semi conductor, Diode

Intel:TSMCの3nmプロセスでMPU製造委託か:N3 VS N5(動画):  Intel: TSMC 3nm process MPU manufacturing consignment: N3 VS N5:  Intel:TSMC 3nm工艺MPU代销:N3 VS N5

Semi conductor, Diode

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