中国:無人機「翼竜2」中東へ輸出攻勢:中東10カ国へ(動画):  China:drone “Pterosaur 2” to the Middle East: Offensive to 10 countries in the Middle East:  中国:向中东出口无人机“翼龙2”:对中东10个国家的进攻

weapon, UAV, Defense

SIPRI:2018年SIPRIトップ100:軍事100社の武器販売(動画):  The SIPRI Top 100 arms-producing and military services companies, 2018:  2018年SIPRI武器生产和军事服务百强企业

weapon, ARMS, Sales, Defense

小松製作所:対人地雷除去活動で活躍:対人地雷禁止条約第4回検討会議(動画):  Komatsu:Active in anti-personnel landmine removal activities:The 4th Ban Convention:  小松:积极开展杀伤人员地雷清除活动:《杀伤人员地雷公约》第四次会议

weapon, ARMS, security, Solution

Saudi Arabia:攻撃の背後にイランの兵器:ドローンと巡航ミサイル(動画):  Saudi Arabia says it has proof Iran is behind drone attacks:  沙特阿拉伯表示已证明伊朗在无人驾驶飞机袭击背后