大阪市大:GaNとダイヤモンドの直接接合:GaN-on-diamond(動画):  Osaka City Univ: Direct bonding of GaN and diamond: GaN-on-diamond:  大阪市立大学:GaN与金刚石的直接键合:GaN-on-diamond

Semi conductor, Chemical, Diode

シーメンス:東レとグリーン水素で提携:Hydrocarbon membranes(動画):  Siemens:With Toray for Green Hydrogen Tech: Hydrocarbon membranes: 西门子:与 Toray 合作开发绿色氢技术:碳氢电解质膜

nano tech, Carbon Emissions, Impact Climate Change Vulnerability, Clean Tech, Green Building, Renewable Energy, carbon fiber

日本科学:「光触媒の父」藤嶋昭氏:上海理工大学に移籍(動画):  Father of Photocatalyst Akira Fujishima: Transfer to Shanghai SciTech:  日本科学家:“光触媒之父”藤岛明:转学上海科技大学

catalyst, Research, University, Chemical

住友化学:韓国初のフォトレジスト工場:東友ファインケムに新設(動画):  Sumitomo Chem: Korea’s first photoresist factory: at Dongwoo Fine-Chem: 住友化学:韩国第一家光刻胶工厂:在东宇精细化工新设

EUV, memory, Semi conductor, Chemical, Diode

HybridICE:次世代の冷凍機:水と塩で急速冷凍!(動画):  HybridICE: Next-gen refrigerator: Quick freezing with water and salt!: HybridICE:下一代冰箱:用水和盐快速冷冻!

Chemical, Material

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