韓国:日本の高級ブドウを無許可栽培:実情を緊急取材(動画):  S.Korea: Unauthorized cultivation of Japan’s high-grade grapes: 韩国:未经授权种植日本高档葡萄:紧急报道实际情况

Seed, fruits, Farmars, Agriculture

日本:多収の四季なりイチゴ:「夏のしずく」(動画):  Japan: High-yielding four seasons Strawberries: “Summer drops”:  日本:四季高产草莓:“夏滴”

Seed, fruits, Agriculture, Brand, Food

浅香工業:作業者の負担を軽減:Z型ショベルパンチャー(動画):  Asaka Ind: Reduces the burden on workers: Z-type excavator puncher:  朝霞工业:减轻工人负担:Z型挖掘机打孔机

assistance, garden, Accident, Farmars, Agriculture

佐伯市:ヒラメの成長促進:緑LEDライトを照射(動画):  Saiki City: Promotion of flatfish growth: Irradiation with green LED light:  佐伯市:促进比目鱼生长:用绿色 LED 灯照射

Seed, Agriculture

東大:地球温暖化に適応したイネ生産:生産性25%向上(動画):  The Univ Tokyo: Rice adapted to global warming: Product improved by 25%:  东京大学:水稻生产适应全球变暖:生产率提高了25%

Impact Climate Change Vulnerability, Green Building, Product Safety & Quality, Farmars, Agriculture

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