韓国:ニートの数がOECD加盟13カ国のうち3位(動画):  S.Korea: The number of NEETs ranks third among the 13 OECD countries: 韩国:NEET数量在13个经合组织成员国中排名第三:

Lay off, payment, census, 6 Society

韓国:高齢者の貧困率・雇用率が世界1位(動画):  South Korea: The poverty/employment rate of the elderly are the highest: 韩国:老年人贫困率和就业率全球最高

census, Inbalance, Reserve, Regulation

世論調査:日韓の価値観のずれ:ピュー・リサーチ・センター(動画):  Opinion poll:Differences in values ​​between Japan・S.Korea: Pew Research: 民意调查:日韩价值观差异:皮尤研究中心

census, goodwill, history, 6 Society

韓国:悲劇の高齢者貧困問題:年金受給が日本の1/2(動画):  S.Korea:Tragic elderly poverty problem:Pension benefits are 1/2 of Japan: 韩国:悲惨的老年贫困问题:养老金是日本的1/2

census, solvency, Annuity, Fund, Reserve, Investment

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