任天堂:米国4空港でSwitch設置:pop-up lounge(動画):  Nintendo will host Switch pop-up in 4 US airports:  任天堂将在美国的四个机场举办Switch弹出式休息室

Game, Statistics, Entertainment

中国:対エチオピア投資急増:エチオピア投資委(EIC)(動画):  China:Ethiopian investment soars:Investment Commission (EIC):  中国:埃塞俄比亚投资猛增:埃塞俄比亚投资委员会(EIC)

3 Economy, Inbalance

中国:新型肺炎、米中貿易/影響度:US-CN trade state maps(動画):  Wuhan coronavirus: US-China import and export trade state maps:  武汉冠状病毒:中美进出口贸易状况图

3 Economy, Inbalance

Gucci:Kering社、中国全店舗、一時閉鎖:sharp drop in China.(動画):  Gucci owner Kering halts spending in China amid coronavirus fears:  Gucci老板Kering因担心冠状病毒而暂停在华投资

Fashion, Brand

米7-Eleven:レジなし店舗、試行開始:in Irving Texas(動画):  7-Eleven is the next retailer to test cashierless stores:  7-11是下一个测试无收银员商店的零售商

Shopping, Brand

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