Barneys:Authentic Brands Groupに売却:the Ashkenazy Acquisition Corp(動画):  Barneys will sell to Authentic Brands Group in a court-approved deal:  Barneys将通过法院批准的交易出售给Authentic Brands Group-

bankruptcy, Company

原油汚染:ブラジル政府、情報ポータル開設:Mancha no Litoral(海岸の汚れ)(動画):  Crude oil pollution: Brazilian information portal opened:Mancha no Litoral:  原油污染:巴西政府,信息门户开放:Mancha no Litoral

pollution, Water, Statistics, Environment

Makuake:見る方向で形が変わる指輪:’トランスモティーフ’(動画):  Makuake:Ring that changes shape depending on the viewing direction:’Transmotif’:  Makuake:根据观看方向改变形状的戒指:“ Transmotif”

Shopping, jewels, Brand

日立:Etihad Railに信号システム納入:ETCS(Eu Train Control)レベル2(動画):  Hitachi:Signal system delivered to Etihad Rail:ETCS (Eu Train Control) Level 2:  日立:信号系统交付给阿提哈德铁路:ETCS(Eu列车控制)2级

Procurement, Railways

韓国貿易協会:日本産半導体製造装置の輸入減少:半導体材料2品目は増加(動画):  Korea:Decrease in imports of Japan semiconductor equipment:Increase in 2 materials:  韩国贸易协会:日本半导体制造设备进口减少:两种半导体材料的增加

macro, 3 Economy, Inbalance

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