任天堂:米UberChipsと和解:無許可OS販売を提訴(動画):  Nintendo: Settled with Uber Chips: Sued unauthorized OS sales:  任天堂:与UberChips达成和解:起诉未经授权的操作系统销售

Nintendo: Settled with Uber Chips: Sued unauthorized OS sales: 


Nintendo of America:

「UberChips」及びTom Dilts Jr.は、Nintendo of Americaに対し、損害賠償金200万ドル(2億1千万円)を支払うことで和解しました。

「UberChips」は、無許可OSである’SX OS’を、ニンテンドースイッチ用に、販売していたとのこと。




  1. 「SX Pro」
  2. 「SX Core」
  3. 「SX Lite」など


「SX OS」とは:

「Team Xecuter」と呼ばれる匿名のハッカーグループが開発。


Game*Spark – 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト


Nintendo ‘Wins’ $2 Million Judgment Against Switch Piracy Hack Store *

Nintendo Sues Uberchips.com

As Nintendo’s efforts to go directly after Team-Xecuter failed, the games company targeted several stores that offered these new hacks for sale instead.


They included Uberchips.com, which is operated by Ohio resident Tom Dilts Jr.
Soon after the lawsuit was filed Uberchips went offline, but the lawsuit didn’t disappear.

Uberchips’ owner

realized this and in June he responded in court through his attorney, denying pretty much all allegations. After this initial response things went quiet, at least in court.

Behind the scenes, however, both parties
got together to see if there was a way to resolve the matter. This week, they reached an agreement.

Uberchips Agrees to Pay $2 million

In a joint filing,
Nintendo and the Uberchips operatorsubmitted a proposed final judgment and a permanent injunction.

As expected, Dilts is prohibited from selling Team-Xecuter chips or similar devices going forward.

In addition, there’s also a hefty damages award of $2 million.

“Plaintiff is hereby awarded judgment against all Defendants, jointly and severally, in the amount of US$2,000,000.00,”
the proposed judgment reads, adding that both parties will cover their own legal costs.

