日本5G:NTTとNEC、5G共同開発:O-RAN、DSP、宇宙通信、海底ケーブル(動画):  Japan 5G: NTT and NEC, 5G joint development: O-RAN, DSP, space comm, subsea cable:  日本5G:NTT和NEC,5G联合开发:O-RAN,DSP,空间通信,海底电缆

Japan 5G: NTT and NEC, 5G joint development: O-RAN, DSP, space comm, subsea cable: 







  1. O-RAN準拠:基地局の共同開発
  2. 小型光集積回路(DSP):高性能/低消費電力、情報通信機器の共同開発
  3. IOWN構想:革新的な光/無線デバイスの共同開発
  4. 海底ケーブル:大容量・高機能・低コスト化
  5. 宇宙通信:大容量・低遅延・自動/自律化
  6. セキュリティ技術:インフラネットの高度化

Impress Watch


Alliance for Joint R&D and Global Rollout of ICT Products Utilizing Innovative Optical and Wireless Technologies

June 25, 2020

NTT Corporation/NEC Corporation

today agreed to form a capital and business alliance for the purpose of joint research and development and the global rollout of ICT products utilizing innovative optical and wireless technologies.

The companies aim to improve their corporate value by expanding sales of products applying jointly developed technologies through this alliance.

In addition, through these initiatives,

the companies will contribute to enhancing industrial competitiveness of Japan and further ensuring safe and reliable communication infrastructure, playing leading roles in working with numerous communication equipment vendors.

Overview of Capital and Business Alliance

To promote open architectures such as O-RAN and to realize the IOWN initiative, NTT and NEC will set up a research and will focus their efforts on the following objectives.

By development and utilization of cutting-edge technologies, the companies will develop and sell globally a compact Digital Signal Processing (“DSP”) circuit —

the companies will promote O-RAN Alliance specifications while developing and selling globally competitive products compliant with such O-RAN specifications.

Through development, the companies will realize

  1. ultra-high speed processing,
  2. ultra-low latency and
  3. ultra-low power consumption

in these products at a level that has never been attained before, by applying innovative devices utilizing optical and wireless technologies to base station equipment.

The companies will develop innovative technologies and optical/wireless devices contributing to the realization of NTT’s IOWN initiative.

lower costing submarine cable systems,

Autonomous space communication and more sophisticated technologies to ensure infrastructure network security.
