Emolument、英国大学・約2,400人卒業生の給与を分析 businessinsider.com

Emolument analysed the salaries of around 2,400 graduates from UK universities

Salary benchmarking site Emolument analysed the salaries of around 2,400 graduates from UK universities all of whom had a maximum of two years’ professional experience, in order see the median salary for graduates from each higher education institution. “With fees due to increase by over £9,000 this year, and students graduating with over £50,000 of debt on average, it is worth asking if the financial rewards a degree brings are worth the investment,” Emolument’s COO Alice Leguay said in a statement

英国大学・約2,400人卒業生の給与を分析   businessinsider.com

給与ベンチマーキングサイトEmolumentは、各高等教育機関の卒業生の給与の中央値を見るために、英国の大学からの約2,400人の卒業生の給与を分析。 EmolumentのCOO Alice Leguayは、「今年は£9,000以上の授業料がかかり、平均して50,000ポンド以上の借金を抱えている 」と語った
