
First domestic production of supersonic air-to-ship missiles to be introduced next year (Yomiuri Shimbun) 

The government has decided to introduce a new type of air-to-ship missile under development to the Air Self Defense Force’s F 2 fighter aircraft next year. The procurement cost of several hundred million yen is posted in the estimate request for FY 2018, and the mass production system is entered. It is the first supersonic speed as a domestic air-to-ship missile, which is characterized by being difficult to intercept. There is an aim to check the Chinese Navy where the aggressive activities are prominent in the East China Sea. The domestically produced air-to-ship missile that has already been introduced has “80 type” and “93 type” close to the sound speed, but the new model has a dramatically faster speed of about 3 times the flight speed of 93 type than the 93 type . In terms of speed, we line up with the most advanced missiles of the same kind abroad. The time to hit the target is greatly shortened, and the enemy ships are less likely to intercept the missiles because they can fly at low altitude near the sea surface that can not be caught by the radar. It is said that the range will be longer than 93 types (hundreds of kilometers). Yahoo! News


 政府は来年度から、開発中の新型空対艦ミサイルを航空自衛隊のF2戦闘機に導入する方針を固めた。 2018年度の概算要求に数億円の調達費を計上し、量産体制に入る。国産の空対艦ミサイルとしては初の超音速で、迎撃されにくいのが特長だ。東シナ海などで強引な活動が目立つ中国海軍をけん制する狙いがある。 導入済みの国産の空対艦ミサイルには、音速に近い「80式」と「93式」があるが、新型は飛行速度が93式の約3倍のマッハ3程度と、飛躍的に速くなる。速度の面では、海外の同種の最新鋭ミサイルと肩を並べる。 目標に命中するまでの時間が大幅に短くなるうえ、レーダーに捉えられにくい海面近くを低空飛行することもできるため、敵の艦船はミサイルを迎撃しにくい。射程も93式(百数十キロ・メートル)より長くなるという。 Yahoo!ニュース
