COVID-19:ノーベル賞のイベルメクチン:致死率80%減少の効果(動画):  COVID-19: Nobel Prize Ivermectin: Reducing case fatality rate by 80%:  COVID-19:诺贝尔奖伊贝菌素:将致死率降低80%的效果

COVID-19: Nobel Prize Ivermectin: Reducing case fatality rate by 80%: 







  1. イベルメクチンが投与された患者573人の中では、8人が死亡。
  2. プラセボ(偽薬)投与された患者510人の中では、44人が死亡。


Unitaid, Part of the World Health Organization Funding Ivermectin Research Targeting COVID-19 led by British Expert

Just recently ,Dr. Andrew Hill, Sr. Visiting Fellow, Department of Pharmacology, University of Liverpool, shared on YouTube an interim, meta-analysis

revealing the significant potential of Ivermectin as a treatment targeting SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind COVID-19.

Dr. Hill’s current meta-analysis study

is funded ongoing by Unitaid, part of the World Health Organization’s ACT Accelerator initiative to improve access to COVID-19 treatment and diagnostics.

The researcher’s meta-analysis, while still ongoing,

points toward significant promise for Ivermectin, as a low cost, widely available therapy potentially useful targeting COVID-19.

What are his findings thus far?

Well, this meta-analysis involving 11 randomized controlled trials associated with 1,452 patients evidences

A) Faster time to viral clearance;

B) Shorter duration of hospitalization;

C) 43% higher rates of clinical recovery;

D) 83% improvement in survival rates.

What’s next?

A few big Ivermectin studies will produce results within weeks.

Then, he’ll approach the 3,000 patient number: that was the figure initially used as a basis for the Remdesivir authorization.

Consider anti-parasitic to avoid possible third Covid-19 wave, health minister urged

Some experts suggest that

in patients who have tested positive for the virus, the drug inhibits viral loads and keeps those with early symptoms from progressing to the hyper-inflammatory phase of the disease, and even helps critically ill patients recover.

Now the two parties who have petitioned the minister

— 11 clinicians, public health specialists, community health workers and medical scientists called the Ivermectin Interest Group (IIG), as well the National Freedom Party’s MP Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam —

saying the drug could potentially save thousands of lives and the government millions of rand to “mitigate the affect of the pandemic until such time as we can roll out a comprehensive vaccination programme”.