COVID-19: Appili、米国でファビピラビル治験:第3相試験募集(動画):  Appili Provides Enrollment Update for Phase 3 PRESECO Trial Favipiravir:  Appili Therapeutics提供了其PRESECO第三阶段试验的注册更新

COVID-19: Appili、米国でファビピラビル治験:第3相試験募集(動画): 
Appili Provides Enrollment Update for Phase 3 PRESECO Trial Favipiravir: 
Appili Therapeutics提供了其PRESECO第三阶段试验的注册更新

Appili Therapeutics:

AppiliTherapeutics Incは、感染症・医薬品開発のバイオ医薬品企業。

米国でフェーズ3 臨床試験:

本日、「フェーズ3 PRESECO(PReventing SEvere COvid-19)臨床試験を、全米12か所で参加者を募集すること」を発表しました。



is evaluating favipiravir, an oral antiviral, in the early treatment of COVID-19 in the outpatient setting.

In addition, the Company is pursuing regulatory approvals to expand PRESECO into sites in Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia.

Along with generic producer Dr. Reddy’s, the company’s favipiravir-based product for treating early onset COVID-19

was quietly submitted as well to Health Canada for Market Authorization, as reported by TrialSite on Dec. 22.