太陽工業:豪雨の建物浸水を抑制:新発想、シートの壁(動画):  Taiyo Kogyo: Suppressing heavy building floods: new ideas, seat walls:  太阳工业:制止沉重的建筑洪水:新思路,座椅墙

assistance, catastrophe, 6 Society

バイオジェン:FDAへBLA提出:Alzheimer’s Therapy(動画)」  Biogen: Submission of BLA to US FDA: Alzheimer’s Therapy:  Biogen:向美国FDA提交BLA:阿尔茨海默氏病治疗

Alzheimer, bio, Pharmaceutical

英政府:OneWebを買収・再建 :Bharti Globalが共同出資(動画):  British Gov: Acquires/Rebuilds OneWeb: Jointly funded by Bharti Global:  英国政府:收购/重建OneWeb:由Bharti Global共同资助

rocket, Sattelite, Space

中国半導体:最新EUV露光装置の調達リスク:SMICは3世代遅れ(動画):  China: Procurement risk of EUV exposure equipment: delayed by 3 gens:  中国半导体:先进EUV曝光设备的采购风险:中芯国际推迟了三代

LSI, EUV, Semi conductor, Diode

COVID-19:アビガン、バングラデシュ治験結果:50名陽性患者対象(動画):  The Dhaka Trial: Evidence Favipiravir Effective against COVID-19 :  达卡审判:明确证据法维拉韦有效抗COVID-19,结果令人信服

flu, Drugs, Pharmaceutical

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