デジカメ市場:ソニーが2位躍進、ニコンが3位転落:世界販売台数ランク:  Sony Now #2 in Digital Camera Sales as Nikon Falls to #3:  索尼现在在数码相机销售中排名第二,尼康跌至第三

Camera, Sales, precision

丸紅:シドニー、Metro City/Southwest線受注:Northwest Rapid Transit(動画):  Marubeni Participates in the Sydney Metro City & Southwest Project: 丸红参加了悉尼地铁城市与西南项目

metro, Railways

中国:Sea Whale 2000、無人潜航艇開示:Shenyang Institute of Auto(動画):  prototype Sea Whale 2000 auto underwater vehicle seen during at-sea trials in Nov:  11月在海上试验中看到的原型Sea Whale 2000自主水下航行器

Submarine, UAVs, Defense

日本グルメ:東京・二郎寿司、3つ星格付け降格:ミシュランガイドが除外(動画):  Star-stricken:Tokyo’s famed Jiro sushi restaurant excluded from Michelin guide:  饱受星光冲击:米其林指南将东京著名的次郎寿司餐厅排除在外

restaurnt, Brand, Food

バス旅行:Ford shuttle busを自宅に改造:The bus nicknamed “Buster”(動画):  Ford shuttle bus converted into a tiny home on wheels tour:  福特穿梭巴士改建为带轮游览的小房子

Travel & Tourism, park, Entertainment

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