






2.燃料油の生産  燃料油の生産は1,455万kl、前年同月比100.1%と6ヶ月ぶりに前年同月を上回った。油種別にみると、ガソリン、ナフサ、ジェット燃料油及び軽油は前年同月を上回ったが、灯油、A重油及びB・C重油は前年同月を下回った。

3.燃料油の輸入、輸出  燃料油の輸入は259万kl、前年同月比96.6%と6ヶ月ぶりに前年を下回った。輸出は294万kl、同108.3%と6ヶ月ぶりに前年を上回った。

4.燃料油の国内販売  燃料油の国内販売は1,373万kl、前年同月比98.8%と2ヶ月連続で前年を下回った。油種別にみると、ガソリン、ナフサ、ジェット燃料油、灯油及び軽油は前年同月を上回ったが、A重油及びB・C重油は前年同月を下回った。

July, Heisei 29 | Petroleum statistics bulletin (flash report only)

1. Crude Oil Trends  The crude oil import volume in July was 16.51 million kl, 106.5% compared to the same month last year, this month exceeding the previous year for the first time in 3 months. Looking in descending order of import volume,

(1) Saudi Arabia (6.59 million kl, 126.1% year-on-year)

(2) United Arab Emirates (3.44 million kl, 85.0% same)

(3) Qatar (1.3 million kl, 101.7% same)

(4) Kuwait (1.1 million kl, 119.2% same)

(5) Russia (108 million kl, 120.7% same).

2. Production of fuel oil  Production of fuel oil reached 14.55 million kl, up 100.1% from the same month last year, exceeding the same month the previous year for the first time in 6 months. In terms of oil type, gasoline, naphtha, jet fuel oil and diesel fuel exceeded the same month of the previous year, but kerosene, A heavy oil and B · C heavy oil fell below the same month of the previous year.

3. Import and export of fuel oil  Imports of fuel oil reached 2,590,000 kl, 96.6% of the same month the year before, falling below the previous year for the first time in 6 months. Exports were 2.94 million kl, 108.3%, the same as the previous year for the first time in 6 months.

4. Domestic sales of fuel oil  Domestic sales of fuel oil were 13.33 million kl, 98.8% compared to the same month of the previous year, falling below the previous year for 2 consecutive months. Looking at oil types, gasoline, naphtha, jet fuel oil, kerosene and light oil exceeded the same month of the previous year, but A heavy oil and B · C heavy oil fell below the same month of the previous year. METI

七月平成 29 |石油统计公报(仅限Flash报告)

原油进口七月1651 10000 KL,这个月和106.5%,比上年同期比前一年三个月来第一次高。按进口货量的降序排列,





2.生产燃料  燃油产量达1455万千升,比上年同期增长100.1%,比上年同期高出6个月以来首次。在油型,汽油,石脑油,但喷气燃料油和轻油方面比去年同月,煤油,A重油和B·C重油小于同月去年更高。

3.燃料油的进出口  燃油进口量达259.9万千升,同比上升96.6%,比上年下降6个月以来首次。出口294万千克,同比增长108.3%,与上年同期相比,6个月来首次出现。

4.国内销售燃料油  国内销售燃料油1333万千升,比上年同期增长98.8%,连续两个月下降。在油型,汽油,石脑油,喷气燃料,煤油和瓦斯油方面均高于同月更高,A重油和B·C重油小于同月去年。日本经济,贸易和工业
