独Adidas:米独のSpeedfactory閉鎖:送料上昇、アジアに移転(動画):  Adidas closing Speedfactory robot factories in Germany and US:  阿迪达斯关闭德国和美国的Speedfactory机器人工厂

ROBOT, precision

米MIT:Mini Cheetah robots、落葉と戯れ:Biomimetics dep’t(動画):  Watch a herd of MIT’s Mini Cheetah robots frolic in the fall leaves:  观看一群麻省理工学院的Mini Cheetah机器人在秋叶中嬉戏

ROBOT, precision

CYBERDYNE:HAL、EU医療機器認証取得:TÜV Rheinland LGA Products(動画):  CYBERDYNE:HAL, EU medical equipment certification:TÜV Rheinland LGA Products:  CYBERDYNE:HAL,欧盟医疗设备认证:TÜVRheinland LGA产品

ROBOT, precision

Boston Dynamics:ロボ犬 “Spot”最新版デビュー:建設現場、公共安全監視(動画): This robot dog could be your new pet sooner than you think:  这只机器狗可能会早日成为您的新宠物

ROBOT, precision

豪FBR社:HadrianX、煉瓦ブロック自動積上げ:using 3D CAD models(動画):  This robot lays bricks:  这个机器人打砖

ROBOT, precision

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