By Tokio X'press murder, manner, contamination, opioid, Drugs, class action, Guilty, 6 Society, litigation
Sackler家:Purdue Pharma、122億ドル不正引出:As Opioid Crisis Mounted(動画): Sackler Family Pulled Billions From Purdue Pharma: 阿片类药物危机加剧,萨克勒家族从普渡制药公司撤资数十亿美元
米保健省(HHS):Gilead社を特許侵害で提訴:TruvadaとDescovy、2薬品(動画): U.S. Government Sues Gilead over Alleged Infringement on HIV Prevention Drug: 美国政府起诉吉利德涉嫌侵犯HIV预防药物
米J&J:豊胸障害で80億ドル支払命令:A Phil jury to Nicholas Murray(動画): Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay man $8bn over breast growth: 强生下令向男性支付80亿美元的乳房发育费用
スペイン:妊婦、薬害を知らずに摂取:Minoxidil by Quimica Sur(動画): Spanish babies born with excess hair: 西班牙婴儿出生时头发过多