EU商工会議所:中国不足物資リストを公表:医療用/防護服を緊急要請:  EU Chamber of Commerce:China shortage list:urgent call for medical/protective clothing:  欧盟商会:中国短缺清单发布:紧急要求医疗/防护服

flu, catastrophe, medical service

トヨタ:2月9日まで中国工場の稼働停止:新型肺炎拡大:  Toyota: Shutdown of Chinese plant until February 9: Expansion of new type pneumonia:  丰田:中国工厂停产至2月9日:新型肺炎扩大

assistance, catastrophe, Statistics, AUTO

中国ZTE:伊L’Aquila大学、5G研究センター開設:緊急地震速報、5G活用(動画):  How one earthquake-hit city in Italy is testing 5G to protect against future tremors:  意大利一个遭受地震袭击的城市如何测试5G以防止未来的地震

catastrophe, 5G, Communication

Apple:米加州’住宅危機とホームレス対策’に全面支援:25億ドルの資金援助(動画):  Apple commits $2.5 bil to address California’s housing crisis、homelessness issues:  苹果承诺投入25亿美元解决加州的住房危机和无家可归问题

assistance, manner, goodwill, catastrophe, Donation, 6 Society

ブラジル:北部海岸で原油流出:2,000 kmが汚染(動画):  Brazil oil spill: 2,000km of northern beaches contaminated:  巴西漏油事件:2,000公里的北部海滩被污染

Accident, catastrophe

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