ASML:台湾にEUVトレセンを開設:EUVリソグラフィ(動画):  ASML: EUV Center opened in Taiwan: EUV lithography:  ASML:EUV Center在台湾开业:EUV光刻

EUV, Diode

AGC:露光用フォトマスクブランクス:供給体制大幅増強(動画):  AGC to Make Drastic Expansion to Supply System for EUVL Mask Blanks:  AGC将大幅扩展EUVL面罩毛坯的供应系统

Semi conductor, Diode

中国半導体:最新EUV露光装置の調達リスク:SMICは3世代遅れ(動画):  China: Procurement risk of EUV exposure equipment: delayed by 3 gens:  中国半导体:先进EUV曝光设备的采购风险:中芯国际推迟了三代

LSI, EUV, Semi conductor, Diode

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