LG電子:スマホ事業部を解体:関連特許を継続保有(動画):  LG Elec: Dismantles smartphone div: Continues to hold related patents:  LG Electronics:拆除智能手机部门:继续持有相关专利

smart phone, Communication

タイ首相:ファーウェイに特別賞授与:5Gでの貢献評価(動画):  PM of Thailand: Special award given to Huawei: Contribution in 5G:  泰国总理:授予华为特别奖:5G贡献评估

Access to Communication, 5G, Communication

経産省:先端半導体3社を選定:東京エレクトロン、キヤノン、SCREEN(動画):  METI: 3 advanced semiconductor companies:Tokyo Electron,Canon,SCREEN:  经济产业省:选定了三家先进的半导体公司:东京电子,佳能,SCREEN

6G, Electronic Waste, Product Safety & Quality, Communication

ニコン:トラッキング光無線通信技術を実証:360度・追尾可能(動画):   Nikon: Tracking optical wireless technology: 360 degrees, tracking:  尼康:演示跟踪光学无线通信技术:360度,可以跟踪

LED, Product Safety & Quality, Communication, precision

ドコモ:東南アジアに5G提供:シンガポール現法(動画):  DoCoMo: 5G to Southeast Asia: Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam:  DoCoMo:向东南亚提供的5G:新加坡,泰国,印度尼西亚,越南,

Product Safety & Quality, Privacy & Data Security, Access to Communication, 5G, Communication

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