韓国:あるまじき振る舞い!:MFイ・ドンギョン(動画):  South Korea: A certain behavior! : MF Lee Dong Gyeong:  韩国:某种行为! : MF 李东景

Sports, manner, Entertainment

エイミー・フラー:テムズ川でEfoil surfingをテスト(動画):  Aimee Fuller: Olympian tests ‘flying surfboard’ on Thames:  艾米富勒:奥运选手在泰晤士河上测试“飞行冲浪板”

Sports, Game, Entertainment

ナイキ:ネイマール選手の契約解除:性的暴行疑惑(動画):  Nike: Neymar’s contract cancellation: Suspicion of sexual assault:  耐克:内马尔解约:涉嫌性侵

Sports, copyright, litigation, Brand

ユニクロ:ポリエステルに植物原料:「UNIQLO+」(動画):  UNIQLO: Polyester and plant material: “UNIQLO +”:  优衣库:聚酯和植物材料:“优衣库+”

Sports, Product Safety & Quality, Fashion, Brand

ヤマハ:PWC部門賞を受賞:Japan Boat of the Year 2020(動画):  Yamaha: Received PWC Category Award: Japan Boat of the Year 2020:  雅马哈:荣获PWC类别奖:2020年度日本船

Sports, Brand, Entertainment

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