Consumer Reports:テスラは28ブランド中27位:下位ランキング(動画):  Consumer Reports: Tesla ranked 27th out of 28 brands: lower ranking:  消费者报告:特斯拉在 28 个品牌中排名第 27 位:排名较低

reliability, Cars, AUTO, Safety

テスラ:米国でモデルS運転中に発火:高性能車種Sプレイド(動画):  Tesla: Fired Model S in the US: High-performance model S Plaid:  特斯拉:在美国驾驶 Model S 时被解雇:高性能 Model S Plaid

reliability, Accident, EV, AUTO

韓国:ジェネシスG80など70万台リコール:現代・起亜で火災危険(動画): South Korea: Genesis G80, etc. 700,000 recalls: Hyundai/Kia fire danger:  韩国:创世纪G80等700,000起召回事件:现代/起亚起火危险

reliability, AUTO, Recall

テスラ:信頼性番付で16位に後退:Consumer Reports(動画):  Tesla: Retreats to 16th place in reliability ranking: Consumer Reports:  特斯拉:可靠性排名退至第16位:《消费者报告》

reliability, Product Safety & Quality, Business Ethics, AUTO, Safety

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