AML・FCPA:世銀、ベトナムSao Bac Dau/調達禁止:project in Hanoi,Danang(動画):  World Bank debars technology company for fraud in Vietnam:  世界银行在越南欺诈技术公司

6 Society, Regulation, litigation

JOLED:サムスン電子に特許侵害訴訟提起:in the US Texas /Germany Mannheim(動画):  JOLED Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit against Samsung Electronics et al:  JOLED向三星电子等人提起专利侵权诉讼。

Patent, Regulation, litigation

三菱ケミカル:中国での特許訴訟で勝訴:Shield and Intematixが特許権侵害(動画):  Mitsubishi Chem/NIMS Win Two Red Phosphor Patent Suits in China:Shield and Intematix:  三菱化学和NIMS在中国赢得两项红色荧光粉专利行政诉讼

manner, 6 Society, Patent, Regulation, litigation

COVID-19:米主要航空、搭乗中はマスク着用:乗客・乗員に義務付け(動画):  COVID-19: Major US airlines, wearing masks while on board: mandatory for passengers and crew:  COVID-19:美国主要航空公司,登机时戴口罩:对乘客和机组人员是强制性的

flu, 6 Society, Regulation

イギリス:立小便した男を訴追:キース・パーマー巡査/慰霊碑の横(動画):  United Kingdom: Prosecuting a man who has pissed: Next to Keith Palmer/Memorial:  英国:起诉一个生气的人:在基思·帕尔默旁边/纪念

animals, 6 Society, Regulation

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