中国:清国時代と変わらず:ランド研究所(動画):  China: Same as in the Qing dynasty: RAND Corporation:  中国:与清朝相同:兰德公司

copyright, Research, University, Patent, Defense

中国:米の圧力で輸入不可能:ASML半導体製造装置(動画):  China: Impossible to import due to US pressure: ASML semicon equipment: 中国:受美国压力无法进口:ASML半导体制造设备

Procurement, TRADE, Semi conductor, Regulation

韓国TV:ウクライナとハイチを侮辱:チェルノブイリで煽る(動画):  Korean TV: Insulting Ukraine and Haiti: Chernobyl footage:  韩国电视:侮辱乌克兰和海地:切尔诺贝利镜头

event, manner, TV, Regulation

韓国:あるまじき振る舞い!:MFイ・ドンギョン(動画):  South Korea: A certain behavior! : MF Lee Dong Gyeong:  韩国:某种行为! : MF 李东景

Sports, manner, Entertainment

鄭州市:豪雨で地下鉄が立ち往生:10万人が避難(動画):  Zhengzhou: Subway stuck due to heavy rain: 100,000 people evacuated:  郑州:地铁因大雨被困:10万人疏散

metro, weather, Catastrophe, Railways

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