By Tokio X'press consumer, class action, 6 Society, litigation, AUTO, Recall
GM:イグニッションスイッチ、集団訴訟が解決:和解金1億2000万ドル支払い(動画): GM reaches settlement over lost vehicle value from defective ignition switches: 通用汽车因点火开关故障而损失的车辆价值达成和解
中外製薬:米国で特許権侵害訴訟提起:Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC(動画): Chugai: Filed patent infringement lawsuit in the United States: Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC: 中外:在美国提起的专利侵权诉讼:Fresenius Kabi USA,LLC
日産:Carlos Ghosnに100億円賠償請求:横浜地裁提訴(動画): Nissan:Claims against Carlos Ghosn :in Yokohama District Court: 日产汽车:向Carlos Ghosn索赔100亿日元的赔偿:在横滨地方法院
Equifax:人民解放軍4人起訴:54th Research Institute(動画): Equifax: US charges four Chinese military officers over huge hack: Equifax:美国指控四名中国军官遭受巨大黑客攻击
Carlos Ghosn:仏政府、捜査強化:披露宴、オマーン(動画): France to Step Up Ghosn Probe Into Versailles、Oman Money: 法国将加强戈恩调查凡尔赛党,阿曼钱