Carlos Ghosn:仏政府、捜査強化:披露宴、オマーン(動画):  France to Step Up Ghosn Probe Into Versailles、Oman Money:  法国将加强戈恩调查凡尔赛党,阿曼钱

secret, manner, Guilty, Regulation, litigation

ドイツ:看護師、5人新生児にモルヒネ投与:殺人罪起訴(hospital in Ulm):  Nurse in Germany charged with attempted killing of 5 babies:  德国护士被控谋杀5名婴儿

murder, manner, Guilty, 6 Society

Carlos Ghosn:レバノン人脈:Saradar family,Michel Aoun,Carlos Abou Jaoudeh:  Carlos Ghosn: Lebanese network:  卡洛斯·戈恩:黎巴嫩网络:萨拉达家族,米歇尔·奥恩总统,卡洛斯·阿布·贾德

manner, Guilty, 6 Society, Regulation

Carlos Ghosn:日産、東証に報告書提出:支払金額公表、 法的手続へ(動画):  Carlos Ghosn:Nissan submits report to TSE:Announces amount、goes to legal proceedings:  日产声称卡洛斯·戈恩用公司的钱在巴黎的马莫坦博物馆做晚饭

manner, contamination, Guilty, 6 Society, Regulation, litigation

中国:Lai Xiaomin,2900万ドル収賄で起訴:former head of China Huarong:  Cash-Stuffed Hideaway Revealed in Confession of China Banker:  现金充裕的藏身之处在中国银行家的自白中被揭露

secret, manner, contamination, Guilty, 6 Society, Regulation

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