日本:AIで国境・離島を監視:南鳥島、沖ノ鳥島(動画):  Japan: AI monitors borders islands: Minamitorishima, Okinotorishima: 日本:人工智能监控边界和偏远岛屿:南鸟岛、冲鸟岛

security, AI, Sattelite

NEC:光ファイバーの損傷検知:AIセンシング技術(動画):  NEC: Optical fiber damage detection: AI sensing technology:  NEC:光纤损伤检测:AI传感技术

AI, Cable, Communication

Siemens:Google Cloudで協業:製造業AIソリューション(動画):  Siemens: Collaborate on Google Cloud: Manufacturing AI Solution:  西门子:在Google Cloud上进行协作:制造业AI解决方案

Privacy & Data Security, Access to Communication, AI, Data center

クボタ:エッジAI搭載無人農機:NVIDIAと開発!(動画):  Kubota: Unmanned agri machine equipped with Edge AI: with NVIDIA!:  久保田:配备Edge AI的无人农场机:由NVIDIA开发!

edge computing, Farmars, AI, Agriculture

NEC:スイス金融Avaloqを買収:フィンテック強化(動画):  NEC: Acquired Swiss Finance Avaloq: Strengthened FinTech:  NEC:收购瑞士金融公司Avaloq:加强金融科技

software, edge computing, AI, 4 IT, blockchain, recognition

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