韓国:悲劇の高齢者貧困問題:年金受給が日本の1/2(動画):  S.Korea:Tragic elderly poverty problem:Pension benefits are 1/2 of Japan: 韩国:悲惨的老年贫困问题:养老金是日本的1/2

census, solvency, Annuity, Fund, Reserve, Investment

韓国:マグネシウム・リチウム不足発生(動画):  South Korea: Magnesium / lithium deficiency occurs:  韩国:发生镁/锂缺乏症

Procurement, Metal, Inbalance, Material

韓国:政府企業の半数が大赤字:電力、石油、鉄道公社(動画):  S.Korea:Half of government companies are in the red: Electro,oil,railway: 韩国:一半的政府公司处于亏损状态:电力、石油、铁路公司

Government, Inbalance, Reserve

台湾:中国への直接投資:10年間で半減(動画):  Taiwan: Direct investment in China: halved in 10 years:  台湾:对华直接投资:10年内减半

TRADE, Inbalance, Financial statement, Regulation, Company

イラン:韓国製家電製品の輸入禁止へ:アリ・ハメネイ師(動画):  Iran: To ban imports of Korean home appliances: Ali Khamenei:  伊朗:禁止进口韩国家电:阿亚图拉阿里

Procurement, Government, TRADE, Regulation, litigation

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