中国:不動産バブルが崩壊寸前:三道紅線(3レッドライン)(動画):  China: Real estate bubble bursts: Three-way red line (three red lines):  中国:房地产泡沫破灭:三路红线(三条红线)

bankruptcy, Inbalance, Real Estate

中国:2025年半導体自給率、僅か19.4%:ICインサイツ(動画):  China: 2025 semiconductor self-sufficiency rate, only 19.4%: IC Insights:  中国:2025年半导体自给率,预测仅为19.4%:IC Insights

TRADE, Inbalance, Semi conductor, Diode

日本:33社の’中国依存度ランキング’: TDK、村田製作所(動画):  Japan: 33 companies’dependence ranking in China’: TDK, Murata:  日本:33家公司在中国的依赖度排名:TDK,村田制作所

Procurement, TRADE, Inbalance, Statistics, Company, Sales

IMF:韓国政府の負債負担に警告:負債が5000兆ウォン(動画):  IMF: Warn Korean government debt burden: 5000 trillion won in debt:  IMF:警告韩国政府债务负担:5000万亿韩元债务

Government, macro, Inbalance, Reserve

韓国:若者「ニート」が急増:現代経済研究院(動画):  S.Korea: The number of young people “neat”:Contemporary Economic Studies: 韩国:“整洁”的年轻人数量正在迅速增加:当代经济研究所

Government, Labor Management, Inbalance

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