日本製鉄:常圧二酸化炭素からプラスチック:直接合成(動画):  Nippon Steel: Plastic from atmospheric carbon dioxide: Direct synthesis:  新日铁:来自大气二氧化碳的塑料:直接合成

pollution, Carbon Emissions, Product Carbon Footprint, Water Stress, Clean Tech, Renewable Energy, Carbon, Environment

JERA:アンモニアで火力発電:INPEXがUAEと連携(動画):  JERA: Thermal power generation with ammonia: INPEX cooperates with UAE:  JERA:氨热发电:INPEX与阿联酋合作

Carbon Emissions, Toxic Emissions & Waste, Clean Tech, ammonia, Energy

デンソー:工場のCO2をエネルギー源に再利用:豊田中央研究所(動画):  Denso: Reusing CO2 as an energy source: Toyota Central R & D Labs:  电装:再利用工厂二氧化碳作为能源:丰田中央研发实验室

Carbon Emissions, Toxic Emissions & Waste, Clean Tech, Renewable Energy, Energy

三菱重工:英ドラックスに技術を供与:CO2回収設備:  MHI: Providing technology to Drax the Destroyer: CO2 capture equipment:  三菱重工:为 Drax the Destroyer 提供技术:二氧化碳捕集设备

Carbon Emissions, Product Carbon Footprint, Impact Climate Change Vulnerability, Toxic Emissions & Waste, Clean Tech, Product Safety & Quality, Access to Health Care, Business Ethics, Gas, renewable energy, Energy

東大・清水:廃コンクリにCO2混ぜ再生:2030年実用化(動画):  Tokyo Univ: Mixing CO2 with waste concrete Regeneration: use in 2030: 东京大学:将二氧化碳与废弃混凝土混合 再生:2030 年的实际使用