



Takata Corporation, a Japanese corporation, as well as two of its subsidiaries and affiliates have filed a petition for recognition of a foreign main proceeding in the Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (Case No. 17-11713).

According to the statement of Takata Corporation as foreign representative, the Debtors currently in a Civil Rehabilitation Proceeding under the Civil Rehabilitation Act of Japan, Act No. 225 of December 22, 1999, before the 20th Department of the Civil Division of the Tokyo District Court.

The Debtors have also filed a motion for limited provisional relief. As we previously reported, TK Holdings, Takata Corporation’s primary U.S. subsidiary, previously filed for relief under Chapter 11 on June 27, 2017 (Case No. 17-11375).

Takata Corporation,一家日本公司,以及其两家附属公司和附属机构已经向特拉华州破产法院提起了承认外国主要程序的请愿书(案号17-11713)。


债务人亦提出有限的临时救济措施。正如我们之前报道的,高田达公司的主要美国子公司TK Holdings先前于2017年6月27日根据第11章提出救济(案号17-11375)。
